Instagram Entry Form

The Blanket That Hugs You Back (R)

We Don't Think It's Just Us.
So We're Giving Magic Weighted Blankets Away.
($229 value)
Enjoy Better Sleep and Lower Stress.
Enter For A Chance To Win.
The Next Drawing Is On June 30th.
So We're Giving Magic Weighted Blankets Away.
($229 value)
Enjoy Better Sleep and Lower Stress.
Enter For A Chance To Win.
The Next Drawing Is On June 30th.
Hi {{first_name}} ,
Weighted blankets have become a global phenomenon for one simple reason - they contribute to improved sleep and reduced stress. And we want you to discover the relaxing, calming and comforting benefits of a weighted blanket for yourself.
Or if you are already enjoying better sleep under the gentle hug of a Magic Weighted Blanket, enter for a chance to share that comfort with a friend or a loved one.
It's our way of helping to bring better sleep and reduced stress to an anxious world.
If you can't wait for the giveaway, please enjoy 10% off your purchase now.
Use code: Welcome.